1. What are the three (3)”nevers” of your life? (Things you would never do or have never done)
This one is a hard one since there is not many things I have not done or tried ...
a. Never steal a friends GF - my ex-wife was taken by an ex-friend (If you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand ~ Phil Collins)
b. Date another man...not my thing but what happens between two adults is their business not mine.
c. Hurt a child. I get ill and angry hearing about some things people do.
2. Who or what sleeps with you?
My Rat Terrier
3. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Trying to convince my new friend that I do care about her and not using her
4. What is the most bizarre thing someone has ever asked you to do sexually?
Use my tongue on her under the table in a crowded restaurant on the Champs-Élysées over the Christmas holidays
5. What is stashed under your bed/mattress? Why is it there?
A bottle of my favorite wine, corkscrew and 2 glasses. to replenish the liquids lost from our bodies
Bonus: What is the one thing you have not done with your partner that you really want to do and how will you go about making it happen?
Make love to her until she passes out. Viagra, a mountain cabin in the winter and lots of astro-glide...just in case.