Tuesday, July 5, 2011

TMI Tuesday 5 July 2011

1. If you could clone yourself, what part of your duties would you 
hand over to the the clone:  (pick one)
a. Paying the bills
b. Cooking
c. Having sex with your significant other
d. Going to your job on your behalf
No contest – D definitely.  Then I can spend the day indulging in C.

2.When you are performing oral sex on a lover is it generally:
a. Because you are trying to warm them up and have it lead to intercourse
b. You love to give oral pleasure
c. They want it, so you oblige but don’t really like it
d. You like to worship cock or pussy
When I give pleasure to my lover, I feel I am worshiping the center 
of her being.   The answer must be B and C.  

3. What part of love making does your partner speed through?
a. seduction
b. foreplay
c. the deed itself
The seduction has been accomplished after several months 
earlier.  Now for some long hours of cuddling, caressing and loving.

4. What part do you wish they’d speed through?
The seduction because it is only a predecessor to the foreplay 
and love. 

5. Who is the last person to grab your ass? When?
A previous work associate in Japan.  Last winter during a business 
dinner in Tokyo, she arrived late after work and proceeded to flirt 
openly with me, quite outside her normal reserved character.

Bonus: Describe your partners/lover/plaything/significant others \
penis or pussy in 10 words or less.
A delicate pink flower belonging to her, given to me


  1. 5. Did you flirt back?

    Bonus: Lovely description.

    Happy TMI Tuesday,


  2. found you on TMI.. I love your bonus answer.. and I love that you flirted back. I always flirt back..

  3. Ooh, flirting in Tokyo sounds like fun :)

  4. Flirting is always exciting with a potential for more.
